Monday, 3 November 2014

Roles in a Radio Studio (Task 2)

What are the roles in a typical radio studio?

  • Radio Producer - creates content and manages the whole radio production process
  • Presenter/Host - voice of the radio station 
  • Sound Engineer - technician that deals with the 'acoustics' of a broadcast
  • Radio Broadcast Journalists - provide research and presents news stories to audiences
  • Studio Manager - looks after the radio station
  • Radio Marketing Executive - raises brand awareness of the radio station
  • Radio Commercial Producer - creates radio adverts and promotions for the radio station to broadcast them
  • Radio Broadcast Assistant - offers support to radio producers
  • Public Relations Officer - looks after an organisation's image and reputation
  • Marketing Executive - promote their employer's products or services. Raises brand awareness 
Radio Commercials Producer (Creative Producer) creates radio advertising and station promotions for radio stations. To do this particular role, you need to have a strong interest in advertising and a high-level knowledge of creating a recording on a computer. You would also need to be a creative person in the way of creating original ideas to make for a radio commercial. They are also in charge of putting in the music and generating sound libraries to be put in to the radio commercial. 

Recording Engineer (Studio Sound Engineer) make high quality recordings of music and audio that is urgently needed for the radio commercial process. People would need a good sense of hearing and need a knowledge of timing and pitch if they would want to work this job. There is many equipment that is needed for this job. First of all, you would need a computer to operate the recordings and to add in sound libraries to the radio advert. You would also need to have to supply a condensor microphones to record audio from the voice over artists in a very clear voice.

Radio Copywriter writes scripts for the radio commercial. This role is quite difficult to do as it requires to have a deep understanding about how people listen to radio commercials and react to them. It requires an understanding of what makes an attention grabbing, in other words really good, radio advert. Radio copywriters normally have a backround in the radio business so not an ideal job to start off with if you have just started in the radio business. They also tend to oversee voice-talent so they are also a bit like an agent as well as a script writer. 

Voiceover Artists (Actor) interprets other people's words and brings the script to life. In this particular role, actors would need to focus on the voice of the characters to speak into the microphone and to bring their voice to life in the radio commercial. For this role, people would need to be able to learn lines at very short notice and to perform them very clearly in the microphone so that the sound engineer can listen to every word the actor is saying.      

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