- Making of Radio Commercial for Plymouth City Market
1. What were the roles of the two people in the video?
The man appeared to be a sound engineer and the woman appeared to be a voice over artist. A sound engineer oversees and direct the work of a news team in a radio studio, in this case, this was a radio artist. A voice over artist speaks about the advert in different tones and voices.
2. What considerations does the voice over artist have to make before recording?
The voice artist does have some considerations over the type of tone she could use for this advert, in this case, she talks about if she should use a happy or serious tone. She also has considerations over what the message of the advert is about, in this case, she says that this advert is illustrating '£1 parking for 1 hour'. Some other considerations for her would also be what type of music will be in the background when she is speaking as well.
3. What studio equipment was shown?
In this radio advert, we see that the sound engineer has 2 computers and 1 television to help him with editing and to see the voice over artist when they are communicating with each other. He also has 2 mixing desks to mix up the advert and to turn up and down the volume. We also can see that the sound engineer has 4 speakers to listen back to the the voice over artist's voice and the advert in general. He also has software on his computer that helps him to edit and to add in music to the advert. The voice over artist has headphones so that she can listen back on the advert and to listen back on her voice to see if she can make her voice more clearer, and also to help communicate with the sound engineer. She also speaks into a condenser microphone so that she could talk into and to record her voice. Lastly, we could see that there is a mic live indicator to tell her when her mic is live or not, and to tell when to stop and take again.
4. What processes were shown to complete the radio commercial?
5. How might a music library have played a part in the process?
Complete this by Monday 10th November. Do this as Home-Learning!
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