Interpretative: interprets lyrics in a visual way
Narrative: video tells the story
Impressionist: more about mood and atmosphere, loads of cutaways and imagery
Surrealist: weird imagery, unconnected with song, videos for instrumentals
Pastiche/Homage: tribute to another person's work
Parody: mocking another person's work
Lyric interpretation: the visuals of the video will interpret the lyrics of the song
Extending or consolidating song's meaning: music video does not interpret the lyrics, but adds content and meaning to the song
Focus on performer: focus on the artist or band, including loads of close ups and mid shots
Lighting for mood: Lighting can create a happy atmosphere or a dark intensive mood
Cutting to the beat: Not every shot will sync to the beat, but most videos attempt to match the beat of the music
Miming and lip syncing: All artists featured in the video do this
Use of special effects, such as the green screen: to add atmosphere or content to the video
Multimage: More than one image onscreen
The artist I have chosen is EXAMPLE
The songs I have chosen from Example to analyse are:
Changed The Way You Kissed Me
Won't Go Quietly
Changed The Way You Kissed Me
This video was first released on 21st of April 2011 and lasts for 3 minutes 14 seconds. This particular video contains real fans that came to one of his gigs in a Ministry of Sound club in London. I decided to choose this video because this video really appealed to me for many reasons. First of all, the type of cinematography really stood out to me as there was no colour in the video except black and white, which presented more of a dark and low key atmosphere, although this is quite a lively and more happy song. This particular music video has a more impressionist style to it as the video mainly resolves around the mood and atmosphere, and there is loads of cutaways to the fans and then back ton the artist and so on. This particular music video does not interpret the lyrics, in the way that he talks about a loved one maybe cheating on him, so there is no sign of a woman, just him and some fans dancing to this particular song. There are some shots that do cut to the beat which is very effective because a scene cuts to another scene on a certain lyric. The artist, Example, does not lip-sync in this video as this was filmed at a live gig when he had sung all of the words. There are a lot of close ups on the artist, for example on 2:20 we see a full head shot of him maybe after the gig sweating and looking directly in the camera looking quite angry with the black and white in the background.
Won't Go Quietly
This video was first released on 11th December 2009 and lasts for 3 minutes 52 seconds. This particular video portrays Example (the artist) as a DJ rapping in front from loads of people who are dancing to his music. This video really appealed out to me because the video is interpretative which means that the artist interprets the lyrics in a visual way. He does this by portraying a woman who is in love with him and went to one of his gigs. At 1:10, she realises that too many people are there at the concert and at 1:17 she starts to create trouble by pushing people about and she starts to get looks from other people. Near to the end, she wants to get out of the concert but can't find a way out as other people start pushing her, in the end she screams out loud and then suddenly we get a sudden portrayal of her waking up from the dream and as she laid back down, the artist was sleeping beside her. This is also a narrative video as well as an interpretative video. Compared to his other video, Changed The Way You Kissed Me, the lighting is a lot brighter to portray who they are, for example the fans were dressed in very fancy outfits and loads of eye make-up. As this was filmed at a gig, the focus for everyone including the audience watching at home would be the artist, Example. Not all of the shots in the video cut to the beat at all which might have confused the audience seeing various different shots not going to the beat. There is no special effects, such as the green screen, as the gig and the bedroom scenes were all filmed in buildings. In contrast, I actually think that the artist was lip-syncing throughout the video as all artists featured in the video seem to do this.
This music video was first released on the 29th April 2010 and lasts for 3 minutes 5 seconds. This is the only song I have chosen that does not contain a live audience in front of one of his 'gigs'. This is a very interpretative video as the artist (Example) interprets the lyrics in a very visual way, as it shows him in the video and her 'girlfriend' acting in a very happy relationship and are very much in love. The atmosphere from the video I saw, it showed a very positive atmosphere which gives the impression that this is a happy song as all of the actors and the artist seem to be smiling throughout the whole video. This particular song does consolidate and extend the song's meaning in the way that he does add meaning to the song as well as interpreting the song. He gives out meaning for couples to love each other as his song is called 'Kickstarts' meaning 'The Love KICKSTARTS Again' also meaning couples can 're-start' their relationship again. The focus on the performer, most of the time, is on the artist and his girlfriend, but there are shots in the video where there are different loving couples to show that they are not the only couple that are madly in love with each other. This is presented with loads of close-ups on the artist's face, for example on 1:26 to 1:30 we see a close-up of the artist's face as he sings the songs. The artist also uses multi-images which means that there is more than one image onscreen. The artist uses this particular technique for most of the video for many reasons. One use of multi-image is to show the different couples that are showed in the same situation as the artist and his girlfriend. Another use of multi-image in this particular video is to show a particular scene in the video where he is with his girlfriend and another image showing a close up of his face without his girlfriend. This could show him desperately wanting his girlfriend back as the other image is showing them happily together again. This particular example was shown from 1:30 to 1:34. An image to show the separation between the two and the portrayal of the artist alone was shown on 1:53 and 2:00.
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