Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Spirit Surge Script

Title: Spirit Surge - 'The Right To Motivate...'
Shooting Location: Old Coulsdon, line of shops
Actor(s): Jogging Teen (Sam Dench), Hand and Voice (Matt Bailey)

Camera unfocused on a line of shops, then suddenly turns around to the jogging man running to the camera. Black and White

Cut to jogging man running and gasping for air, hands on knees

Jogging Man: (Panting) I can’t do this anymore
Cut to voice

Voice: Yes you can, just drink this…
Hand pops out with a drink called ‘Spirit Surge’

Cut to man who takes the drink and drinks it, drops the drink, suddenly black and white turns to colour

Jogging Man: I feel…whoa (motivational music starts playing in the background along with a heart beat)…I can do this!!!
Cut to Hand who gives the thumbs up

Voice: Yes you can!!! Go on, defeat the hurt and push harder, don't give up and don’t slow down, you can do this!!!!

Jogging Man: Yeah! I CAN DO THIS!!!
Cut to the back of the Running Man speeding away
Cut to the hand giving a thumbs up to the audience

Graphic Letters Fill Screen:
Spirit Surge – “The Drink to Motivate” with the thumbs up in the right hand corner

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