Monday, 20 April 2015

Logbook - Directors Cut

Monday 13th April 2015

We got told to create a new magazine that was aimed at 16 - 21 year olds. Chris immediately used his different genres of magazines as an idea for a new magazine. These genres were Children's Sport (Match Of The Day Magazine), Entertainment (Entertainment Weekly) and Celebrity (OK! Magazine). Chris then decided to search magazine title names on the Internet and found three newspaper titles. - Sports Illustrated - Directors Cut - NO WAY!

Chris then decided to make the logos using DesignMantic. Chris wanted to create three logos that were very appealing to the target audience that was said in the assignment, 16 - 21 year olds. Chris wanted to use big, bold and vibrant colours for all three of his logos to show to the rest of the group.

Monday 27th April 2015

Matt completed his questionnaire of 5 questions which we asked 10 people what they thought of the first impressions of our magazine. Sam then went  We got our feedback back and it presented very good feedback and there were no room for improvements. We, as a group, then decided to work on our powerpoint presentation. We then decided to present our feedback through a line graph and a pie chart to use as data.

Monday 18th May 2015

We, as a group, then got into our focus group and discussed our idea with the other groups that were in our group. We then talked with other groups and we received very positive feedback saying that this is a brilliant idea. We, as a group, contributed to the rest of the groups well, I talked more about our product and Matt and Sam talked about the feedback we got from our questionnaires. We then gathered all of our information regarding our magazine and we handed it in to our teacher.

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