Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Abomination Union Questionnaire Feedback

1) What do you think of a film title named Abomination Union? (1 - I hate it and 5 - I really like it.) Circle the number for your reason. 1 2 3 4 5.


  • 5
  • 5
  • 4
  • 5
  • 4

This shows that from my questionnaire, the audience really liked my title name with most answers as 5 rather than 4.

2) From first impressions, what do you think the type of genre is if it was a film? Give a genre and explain your reason.


  • Army/Zombie/Horror
  • A zombie movie - zombies in the poster
  • A zombie apocalyptic thriller given the stances of the characters, the background and zombie imagery featured
  • Zombie genre, very clear from pictures on poster
  • Action/Horror because of all the corpses and the ammo belt

This shows that from my questionnaire, the genre of my film is a zombie genre which the audience really liked.

3) What target audience do you think would suit this particular film? Give your age rating and why.


  • 15 because thats the rating on the poster. Mostly guys because of all the gore.
  • 15+
  • 15+. It could be because some content is unsuitable for some age groups.
  • 15+ the certificate
  • 15+ (15-30)

This shows that from my questionnaire, my film needs to be the age rating of 15+ because some content in the film might be very unsuitable for younger audiences.

4) From looking at the poster, what type of colour and lighting would you expect from this film? Give your answer and a reason why.

  • Blue/Red/Black/Brown
  • Gritty because of the zombies
  • A bleak/apocalyptic abandoned landscape, end of the world style.
  • Dark,eerie lighting, gloomy
  • Lots of red and blue as red is the colour of blood and quite a lot of blue is shown. Brightly lit because the poster is set in daylight.

This shows that from my questionnaire, I should include in my film the colours red and blue to represent blood and daylight. I should also use dark, eerie, bleak and an abandoned lighting to give an sense of an apocalyptic feel to the film.

5) Looking at the reviews down below, should I include any more reviews? If so, who or what magazine or newspaper should review this film? 

  • "I" Newspaper, MTV? Not too sure, sorry
  • You've covered most things maybe include a well known director that is involved with zombie films.
  • No, suitable amount, change the colour to the reviews, hard to read. The mirror, The sun, a mainstream audience
  • Nah its cool
  • No

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