Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Abomination Union Questionnaire Feedback

1) What do you think of a film title named Abomination Union? (1 - I hate it and 5 - I really like it.) Circle the number for your reason. 1 2 3 4 5.


  • 5
  • 5
  • 4
  • 5
  • 4

This shows that from my questionnaire, the audience really liked my title name with most answers as 5 rather than 4.

2) From first impressions, what do you think the type of genre is if it was a film? Give a genre and explain your reason.


  • Army/Zombie/Horror
  • A zombie movie - zombies in the poster
  • A zombie apocalyptic thriller given the stances of the characters, the background and zombie imagery featured
  • Zombie genre, very clear from pictures on poster
  • Action/Horror because of all the corpses and the ammo belt

This shows that from my questionnaire, the genre of my film is a zombie genre which the audience really liked.

3) What target audience do you think would suit this particular film? Give your age rating and why.


  • 15 because thats the rating on the poster. Mostly guys because of all the gore.
  • 15+
  • 15+. It could be because some content is unsuitable for some age groups.
  • 15+ the certificate
  • 15+ (15-30)

This shows that from my questionnaire, my film needs to be the age rating of 15+ because some content in the film might be very unsuitable for younger audiences.

4) From looking at the poster, what type of colour and lighting would you expect from this film? Give your answer and a reason why.

  • Blue/Red/Black/Brown
  • Gritty because of the zombies
  • A bleak/apocalyptic abandoned landscape, end of the world style.
  • Dark,eerie lighting, gloomy
  • Lots of red and blue as red is the colour of blood and quite a lot of blue is shown. Brightly lit because the poster is set in daylight.

This shows that from my questionnaire, I should include in my film the colours red and blue to represent blood and daylight. I should also use dark, eerie, bleak and an abandoned lighting to give an sense of an apocalyptic feel to the film.

5) Looking at the reviews down below, should I include any more reviews? If so, who or what magazine or newspaper should review this film? 

  • "I" Newspaper, MTV? Not too sure, sorry
  • You've covered most things maybe include a well known director that is involved with zombie films.
  • No, suitable amount, change the colour to the reviews, hard to read. The mirror, The sun, a mainstream audience
  • Nah its cool
  • No

Monday, 27 April 2015

Abomination Union Questionnaire

1) What do you think of a film title named Abomination Union? 1 - I hate it and 5 - I really like it. Circle the number for your reason. 1 2 3 4 5

2) From first impressions, what do you think the type of genre is if it was a film? Give a genre and explain your reason.

3) What target audience do you think would suit this particular film? Give your age rating and a reason why.

4) From looking at the poster, what type of colour and lighting would you expect from this film? Give your answer and a reason why.

5) Looking at the reviews down below, should I include any more reviews. If so, who or what magazine or newspaper should review this film?

Directors Cut

Target Audience has to be aged 16 to 21 year olds

'Directors Cut' will include loads of reviews with many famous figures in the cinema franchise from directors, such as J. J. Abrams and George Miller to talk about their upcoming films and what films they would want to take part in to actors, such as Tom Hardy and Simon Pegg, to talk about their upcoming films too. This magazine would also include reviews for the audience to read about and determine if they would want to watch it or not. Finally, our magazine also talks about upcoming films and many rumours about future films that is still in the making, the audience can then determine if the rumours can be true or not.

We have created the design for our logo for Director's Cut and are currently making the magazine design for Director's Cut.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Logbook - Directors Cut

Monday 13th April 2015

We got told to create a new magazine that was aimed at 16 - 21 year olds. Chris immediately used his different genres of magazines as an idea for a new magazine. These genres were Children's Sport (Match Of The Day Magazine), Entertainment (Entertainment Weekly) and Celebrity (OK! Magazine). Chris then decided to search magazine title names on the Internet and found three newspaper titles. - Sports Illustrated - Directors Cut - NO WAY!

Chris then decided to make the logos using DesignMantic. Chris wanted to create three logos that were very appealing to the target audience that was said in the assignment, 16 - 21 year olds. Chris wanted to use big, bold and vibrant colours for all three of his logos to show to the rest of the group.

Monday 27th April 2015

Matt completed his questionnaire of 5 questions which we asked 10 people what they thought of the first impressions of our magazine. Sam then went  We got our feedback back and it presented very good feedback and there were no room for improvements. We, as a group, then decided to work on our powerpoint presentation. We then decided to present our feedback through a line graph and a pie chart to use as data.

Monday 18th May 2015

We, as a group, then got into our focus group and discussed our idea with the other groups that were in our group. We then talked with other groups and we received very positive feedback saying that this is a brilliant idea. We, as a group, contributed to the rest of the groups well, I talked more about our product and Matt and Sam talked about the feedback we got from our questionnaires. We then gathered all of our information regarding our magazine and we handed it in to our teacher.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Spirit Surge Script

Title: Spirit Surge - 'The Right To Motivate...'
Shooting Location: Old Coulsdon, line of shops
Actor(s): Jogging Teen (Sam Dench), Hand and Voice (Matt Bailey)

Camera unfocused on a line of shops, then suddenly turns around to the jogging man running to the camera. Black and White

Cut to jogging man running and gasping for air, hands on knees

Jogging Man: (Panting) I can’t do this anymore
Cut to voice

Voice: Yes you can, just drink this…
Hand pops out with a drink called ‘Spirit Surge’

Cut to man who takes the drink and drinks it, drops the drink, suddenly black and white turns to colour

Jogging Man: I feel…whoa (motivational music starts playing in the background along with a heart beat)…I can do this!!!
Cut to Hand who gives the thumbs up

Voice: Yes you can!!! Go on, defeat the hurt and push harder, don't give up and don’t slow down, you can do this!!!!

Jogging Man: Yeah! I CAN DO THIS!!!
Cut to the back of the Running Man speeding away
Cut to the hand giving a thumbs up to the audience

Graphic Letters Fill Screen:
Spirit Surge – “The Drink to Motivate” with the thumbs up in the right hand corner

Spirit Surge Production Treatment

Technical Resources: I will only have one camera and camera stand as I will be able to film more shots from many different heights and angles as it is only a 30 second advert. I won't use any lights or any form of lighting as I would use the lighting from the sun. Plus for the first 15 seconds of the advert, I am planning to use black or white special effects to show the man very tired and use the transition from black and white to colour when he has drunk the drink. The only prop that I will use is a plain water bottle that the jogger will use before in black and white and when he throws it away. I will use iMovie as editing software as it is very easy to use and is a very popular editing software. I will only have one costume for this advert and that is a jogger's outfit and gear when he is running and becomes very tired and weary.

Technical Constraints: The only limits that may affect my advert is the time and deadlines for my advert, as we only have 6 weeks to complete this advert which may affect the overall effect of my advert, so I am going to have to work before college or even after college to get the best result possible. I might have a problem with my location which is outside Tudor Rose, which is in Old Coulsdon. I plan to have no people around and only the jogger, but people may walk across and might affect the advert, so I might have to include people walking across to show that this is a normal road and not so isolated.

Approximate Overall Budget: According to the website, TV advertising, I am trying to start my very own business by producing my first advert to try and get the business running. This is called an Investment Level 1, which might cost over £100k and it would be made across a four week period.

Summary of Potential Audience: My advert is supposed to be aimed at audiences, boys and girls, aged 12 and over because there has been an increase of 12 year olds drinking energy drinks to give them a boost to their day, but I want this advert to target people who attend gyms or play many sports, maybe heading to audiences aged 16 - 30 so that when they use this product, they would feel a boost to push on. This product would be available all across the UK and worldwide so this product would be available at a larger rate.

Legal and Ethical Issues: I may have 2 potential issues for my advert and product. Firstly, I am worried I might have misleading information for some people as some adults might think this product contains alcohol or any sort of drug that has been put in to make the drink hyper, which it doesn't, and so adults may tell their children to not but our product. Secondly, I am also worried about misleading advertising as I might not have evidence to support my claims, so if I tell the audience 'Buy One and Get One Absolutely FREE!', I would have to keep my promise and deliver it as evidence.