Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Television Advert Analysis

Television Advertising Analysis

Cravendale's 'Milk Matters' Advert
Unicef's 'Lend your voice to children' Advert

Cravendale's 'Milk Matter's' Advert

The first advert I have chosen is an animation advert in a part of a series, which features puppets or plastic dolls you would normally see in a doll farm set. There are voiceovers in this advert with the only words being 'MILK!!!', 'Winner' and 'Lovely', but there is no live action from any human actors. In 2007, Cravendale released a series featuring a Cow, a Pirate and a Cyclist from the scenery recycled from the puppet show, A Town Called Panic. The styles that they use are very humorous for the way they talk and their actions, for example when the three characters have a dance off to determine which character gets to have the last glass of milk. The advert tries to make the product memorable through the use of humour, in this case Cravendale makes this advert memorable by adding puppets to make sure the audience remembers the advert. From the beginning to 0:02, we see that the setting (mise-en-scene) is set in the countryside because of the sheep that is outside of the house. From 0:11 to 0:14 we see a 'hidden' message which explains that if a the audience buys this product, this milk would be much purer because it is filtered which is not used by other milk brands. As this was one of the first of many adverts created by Cravendale, this advert is aiming to raise brand awareness and brand identity so audiences can go to supermarkets and buy their products. This television advert came out on YouTube on April 4th 2009 and has has 2,455 views. The target audience for this advert would appeal more to children aged 11-16 because of the language that is used is very comedic and would not appeal more to a more older audience.

Unicef's 'Lend your voice to children' Advert

The second advert I have chosen is a talking heads advert starring Ewan McGregor. A talking heads advert is where people talk directly into the camera, in this case Ewan McGregor and a little boy named Mustapha talk directly into the camera motivating the audience to donate to Unicef. Ewan McGregor uses blank facial expressions, direct human contact and is voice to sell the product, in this case motivating people to donate to help people, especially children in war-hit countries find a better place. The advert's style is very dramatic as it talks about a serious issue that is affecting many people, in the advert Ewan McGregor takes on a story from a child called Mustapha. Ewan McGregor emphasises to the audience that his voice can't be heard, so the use of a well-known celebrity to say his story would motivate the audience to help war-hit countries, otherwise known as humanitarian emergencies. At 0:22 to 0:28, we only see one location (mise-en-scene) and it looks like Mustapha's house with a curtain in the background to show that this is a poverty background and they are desperate for the audience's help. For the most of the advert, (0:00 to 0:21 and 0:29 to 0:41), we see a full head shot of celebrity Ewan McGregor talking directly towards the camera. Ewan McGregor is a UNICEF Ambassador, so the charity wanted him to make an advert that would appeal to the audience and make them donate because there is a famous face that people would recognise. From 0:42 to 0:50, we see the various peoples from different countries that UNICEF is aiming to help with people's donations. These countries, from what I know, are mainly 2 countries: Syria and many regions in Africa. This television advert came out on Youtube on May 15th 2014 and has 7,580 views. The target audience for this advert would be those of an older audience because as it is a charity, those of an older audience, aged 30-50, would want to do something about it compared to those of a younger audience, aged 11-16 who can't do anything about it.   

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