Friday, 27 February 2015

Spirit Surge Technical Conventions, Form, Style and Codes

Spirit Surge

Target Audience: This product is for all genders aged 12 years and older. This product is for all interests but especially for exercise and training at gyms.

Technical Conventions: This advert is to have an overt message at the end of the advert, saying 'The Drink To Motivate'. An overt message is used to be told directly to the audience. This message would be ideal for people who do exercise because that means this product would get recommended more to those people at gyms and training centres. This advert is also to have a lifestyle appeal to do exercise because when people watch this advert, this might be a motivation to drink this thing to make them exercise more.

Form: This is a realist narrative advert because it seems to be set in real life following one man jogging in a normal street. This advert is supposed to remain realistic and believable with a story behind it.

Style: This advert is supposed to have a humorous style because this advert is supposed to be humorous in the way the audience remembers this product through its sense of humour. It also has a overt message meaning it speaks visibly directly to the audience.

Codes: The mise-en-scene of this particular is that with the surroundings around the advert, it looks like it is modern day life surrounding one teenage man jogging and suddenly getting out of breath. The man would be wearing a sweaty vest to explain he is out of breath, trainers and shorts. The use of camera would be, first of all, using a long establishing shot of the man running into the camera, then I would cut to a full head shot from the floor when the man is bent down gasping for air. Then we have a medium shot/full body shot of the man after he drunk the drink and as he begins to speed off. There would be music building up after he drunk the drink, maybe motivational music to get people working hard.

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