Technical Conventions: The colour and lighting behind this advert would be black and white to set the mood as being dark and gloomy, following one homeless man and his journey. Load of close-ups of the homeless man, full head shots as well. Landscape establishing shot to set the setting as modern day life. This advert would have an overt message to make it stand out and appeal to the audience. An overt message is told directly to the audience, in this case the overt message for this charity is "Give your hand to the homeless", which is told at the end of the advert. This advert is also supposed to have a emotional response making them upset of what they are seeing knowing that they could do something about it. Finally, this advert is supposed to have a lifestyle appeal meaning the advert persuades the audience to follow this charity and to help the homeless by giving your hand to them.
Form: This would be a documentary advert which relies on a lot of factual information, the audience want to be informed on what is happening in the advert. As this is a charity, an documentary advert would be ideal.
Style: This advert would have a very dramatic style and tone to this advert because it would be realistic because it is set in modern day, and it follows one homeless man's journey and story, his benefits and problems.
Codes: The mise-en-scene for this particular advert would be the main character's clothes, (homeless man) being ragged and dirty to explain that he is the homeless man. The gentleman who sits with the homeless man would be wearing very sophisticated clothes, such as a shirt and tie r even maybe wearing normal clothes like a shirt and jeans to show that he is a lot richer than he is. The mise-en-scene for setting would be set in modern day life, set in Coulsdon or Town Centres. The use of camera shots would mainly focus on the homeless man, so I could use a full head shot and a full body shot of the homeless man and what situation he is in. I could use a long establishing shot of the whole setting and the homeless man being ignored by members of the general public until the gentleman comes along and sits beside him. I could use some sad and upsetting music to create an impression to the audience that this is a very upsetting matter the charity is trying to deliver.
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