Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Cast, Plan and Location

Location: College Grounds, Classrooms, College Hallways, Smoking Shelter, Placehouse Lane Bus Stop

Director: Matt Bailey
Producer: Matt Bailey, Sam Dench, Chris Backway
Editor: Matt Bailey, Sam Dench, Chris Backway
Camera Operator: Matt Bailey, Sam Dench, Chris Backway

Budget: No money needed for actors as they are all students. Props used would cost no money. Briefcases and college bags used for drug deals would cost no money.

Problems: In other lessons where less cast are allowed to come out and film for the music video. So we would ask some students to replace them for the day. Some people might get ill and force them out of college and shooting for the day.


Local Drug Dealer: Matt Bailey
Drug Dealer's Henchman: Sam Dench
Rival Drug Dealer: Chris Backway
Possible Rival Dealer: Alex Thomson
Girlfriend: Theresa
Drug Dealer that gets killed: Alex Warsham
Drug Dealer that gets killed: TBA

Action Plan:

Wednesday 10th December: Matt and Sam phone scene, Matt and Sam office scene, Matt tells Sam to go and kill off a rival gang. Chris and Matt deal scene with bags, using Placehouse Lane as a location for the exchanges of briefcases, maybe a room in the college where Matt and Sam meet.

Contingency Plan:

I have a plan that we, as a group, are happy to do if we did not do Matt's 1st idea. My idea has the music of Skrillex's 'Make it Bun Dem' featuring Damian Marley, which involves a guy that is friends with a bully that stabbed another man to steal his money and his phone, he thought this was wrong and so he aimed to get his stuff back, and this video shows his journey to get his stuff back.

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