Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Cadbury's Dairy Milk Script 2

Loud voice

Hey you, yeah you, you the person I'm talking to on the other side of this complicated machine. Listen, Cadbury's have released a brand new chocolate bar that now contains chilli.

SFX - DJ Scratch

What, really, chillis, that's a bit hot don't you think. Somebody must have wrote it wrong. Oh no it does contain chilli.

Oh (laugh) my bad. (Coughs)

Loud voice

Try the new Cadbury's Chocolate Chilli Bar, coming to all supermarkets very very soon.

Brand: Cadbury's

Product Name: Chocolate Chilli Bar

Name of Advert: Too Hot to Handle

Style of Advert: Uses humour in the way he interrupts the radio advert to ask the producer if the chocolate really does contain chilli. Some bits in the advert are formal. This is a very simple advert as it does not have any music as a background and only has one sound effect which might appeal more to the younger audiences

Timing of Advert: This advert would probably last for 15 - 20 seconds because as you can tell, this is a short advert

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