Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Cast, Plan and Location

Location: College Grounds, Classrooms, College Hallways, Smoking Shelter, Placehouse Lane Bus Stop

Director: Matt Bailey
Producer: Matt Bailey, Sam Dench, Chris Backway
Editor: Matt Bailey, Sam Dench, Chris Backway
Camera Operator: Matt Bailey, Sam Dench, Chris Backway

Budget: No money needed for actors as they are all students. Props used would cost no money. Briefcases and college bags used for drug deals would cost no money.

Problems: In other lessons where less cast are allowed to come out and film for the music video. So we would ask some students to replace them for the day. Some people might get ill and force them out of college and shooting for the day.


Local Drug Dealer: Matt Bailey
Drug Dealer's Henchman: Sam Dench
Rival Drug Dealer: Chris Backway
Possible Rival Dealer: Alex Thomson
Girlfriend: Theresa
Drug Dealer that gets killed: Alex Warsham
Drug Dealer that gets killed: TBA

Action Plan:

Wednesday 10th December: Matt and Sam phone scene, Matt and Sam office scene, Matt tells Sam to go and kill off a rival gang. Chris and Matt deal scene with bags, using Placehouse Lane as a location for the exchanges of briefcases, maybe a room in the college where Matt and Sam meet.

Contingency Plan:

I have a plan that we, as a group, are happy to do if we did not do Matt's 1st idea. My idea has the music of Skrillex's 'Make it Bun Dem' featuring Damian Marley, which involves a guy that is friends with a bully that stabbed another man to steal his money and his phone, he thought this was wrong and so he aimed to get his stuff back, and this video shows his journey to get his stuff back.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Cancer Research UK Radio Script 2

VO - Male quite low
Music: I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor)

Human beings were made to live, to breathe, to meet brand new people, to live lives. One disease can change a life for the worse, a disease that we are trying to fight and for it to never come again. That disease is Cancer. But you can help us fight it, you can make a difference and help patients get better. Then they will sing 'I Will Survive' instead of 'I Will Die Soon'. Donate £2 every month this coming year to help doctors and scientists get the perfect treatment and to fight off cancer. Please. Cancer Research UK, we will beat cancer sooner.

Brand/Charity: Cancer Research UK

Name of Advert: I Will Survive

Style of Advert: Quite a simple advert as it is only has one soundtrack in the advert. A bit like fiction but it tells some true facts about the disease cancer.

Timing of Advert: This advert will probably last for 15 seconds because there is no special effects and a simple advert to make

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Cadbury's Dairy Milk Script 2

Loud voice

Hey you, yeah you, you the person I'm talking to on the other side of this complicated machine. Listen, Cadbury's have released a brand new chocolate bar that now contains chilli.

SFX - DJ Scratch

What, really, chillis, that's a bit hot don't you think. Somebody must have wrote it wrong. Oh no it does contain chilli.

Oh (laugh) my bad. (Coughs)

Loud voice

Try the new Cadbury's Chocolate Chilli Bar, coming to all supermarkets very very soon.

Brand: Cadbury's

Product Name: Chocolate Chilli Bar

Name of Advert: Too Hot to Handle

Style of Advert: Uses humour in the way he interrupts the radio advert to ask the producer if the chocolate really does contain chilli. Some bits in the advert are formal. This is a very simple advert as it does not have any music as a background and only has one sound effect which might appeal more to the younger audiences

Timing of Advert: This advert would probably last for 15 - 20 seconds because as you can tell, this is a short advert

Cadbury's Dairy Milk Script 1

Dairy Milk Scripts

Music in background (Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight)

Voice - quite low (MVO)

Free The Joy

Did you know that joy is made from those who give? What do you give huh? Love? Friendship? How about a Dairy Milk chocolate bar, lots and lots of Dairy Milk chocolate bars?

SFX - Crunch

Mmm that tastes so good. Almost too good to share.

Another voice (child) (CVO)

Hey, can I have some chocolate?

SFX - DJ Scratch

Voice - quite low (MVO)

(Cough Cough) Really? Did you just hear what I said? 'Too' good to share. Have you been listening to a word I said? I don't want to share. This chocolate is way too good to share, so no, no you may not

Child voice

Awww please

Voice - quite low

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Alright fine, so you can't say the last line, that's my Line

Child voice (CVO)


SFX - Crunch


Voice - quite low (MVO) 

(Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight)

(sigh - coughs) Cadbury's Dairy Milk

Child voice (CVO)

Free The Joy

Voice (MVO)

What did I just say?

Child voice (CVO)

Sorry (giggles)

Brand: Cadbury's

Product Name: Dairy Milk

Name of Advert: Free The Joy (well almost)

Style of Advert: Very humorous in the way of how the main voice speaks in various ways. It is a simple advert in the way that this advert is promoting an product that has been made, so formal in some ways, but however complex in the way of adding in sound effects and using different voices. The idea of the advert is to raise brand awareness.

Timing of Advert: I have not timed this advert, but with the amount of detail in it, I would suggest this advert lasts for 30 - 40 seconds.