Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Radio Advert Initial Research (Assignment)

Nando's UK Radio Advert - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odyuao_-UJg&list=PLRCIt_SvDhCvsTw_OONkumdbXcUpe2GvR&index=3

The purpose of the advert is to motivate people to go to a brand - new range of restaurants new to the UK called Nando's. The advert immediately starts off with a Spanish voice saying, 'The Spirit of Nando's' which immediately gives the message that the advert has got to do with something regarding Spain. As the advert went on, the audience got told about the 'brand-new restaurants called Nando's', which portrayed the message that there are going to be new restaurants that people could go to and taste the new ranges of food that they deliver. This beer is presented as a relaxing drink or a refreshment you would normally drink at home. The advert could have told the audience where the restaurants will be in the UK so that they would know where to go.

The target demographic for this radio advert is for teenagers and adults aged between 14-30. I feel that audiences younger than 16 might not understand the advert and what the advert is trying to deliver.

I chose this particular advert because it was very humorous in what it was trying to deliver. I also chose this advert because the key information was always repeated so that the audience knew what the advert was about. As the restaurants were quite new to the UK back in 2009, this advert was mainly trying to raise brand awareness which is also another reason why I chose this advert because it was trying to motivate people to visit the restaurants. Another reason why I chose this advert was because it was a simple advert. It just delivered all of the facts so that the audience knew what was going on. This advert is known as a long-term advert because it talks about the restaurants coming to England and not specific items.

I feel that this advert is very successful in the way that the message is conveyed very clearly to the audience and I felt it was very positive in the way it was trying to raise brand awareness. It was very informational because the radio advert talked about what types of food they had, which was 'Piri-Piri Chicken'. Since this advert came out with its other television and radio adverts, the countrywide restaurants are one of the most popular chain of restaurants in the UK and around the world.

Persuasive Techniques
 The advert uses humour and Mexican music to explore what Nando's has to offer. For example, the advert illustrates that whenever you enter one of their restaurants, there would be free music that would be playing so that the customers could listen to the music and enjoy their meal at the same time.
The advert also uses very persuasive techniques. The advert uses humour, such as him interrupting the normal radio schedule, as a persuasion to come to the restaurant and taste all the tasty piri-piri chicken they have.
 They also repeat the company's name, in this case the repeated word is 'Nando's' which would normally trigger the audience's interest and also that they would know what the advert is about.
This particular radio advertisement is very appealing because of the humour and the information that is delivered by the Mexican character.
 The music is also very catchy at the end when the main voice sings 'That's the spirit of Nando's!'. This may appeal to the audience as songs get really catchy when you listen to the song over and over again and this will stick into the audience's mind and therefore bringing in more customers.

Factual Information
This particular advert broadcasted on Youtube in October of 2009 and lasts for 38 seconds which shows that the advert would want its message delivered quite at a fast pace.

This particular advert really highlights the key issue of Food on radio adverts created by ASA (Advertising Standards Agency). The issue states about good dietary and not to promote bad nutritional habits or an unhealthy lifestyle. This particular advert really acknowledges these rules as the advert does not say that 'if you eat this food, you will be fat' (as an example), but talks about what types of food they promote and some people could say whether to go and visit that restaurant or not.

Use of Music Bed and Voice Over
The sound of a guitar is featured in the background of the advert to show that there is a Spanish theme, this is used for the music bed of the bed. This is particularly useful because it gives the audience a sense of the theme behind the video and also gives them a clue to what will happen next in the advert. From 0:00 to ):02, we hear the guitar in the background along with the voice over saying Nando's catchphrase 'The Spirit of Nando's'. From 0:21 to 0:37, we hear other instruments to suit with the Spanish theme, such as the maracas and the castanets.

The voice over for this advert is very effective for this particular advert. He uses humour and simple text to persuade the audience to check out the nationwide restaurants they have. The voice over artist was talking in a more Spanish accent to express to the audience that this restaurant offers something that involves around Spain. The artist mentions the restaurant's catchphrase twice (The Spirit Of Nando's), once at the beginning and one at the end of the advert to speak to the audience and to make sure on what they are delivering and to make sure that the audience know what they are talking about.

Budweiser Radio Commercial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHozqs4Ip4A&list=PLRCIt_SvDhCvsTw_OONkumdbXcUpe2GvR&index=7


The purpose of the advert is to motivate men to drink Budweiser after being hard at work all day. The advert starts off with military music playing in the background and then the voice over artist begins to speak saying what a man would normally go through on a 'daily basis'.

The target demographic for this radio advert would be male adults between 25 and 50. I feel that this advert would be inappropriate for audiences below 16 because it is illegal in the UK to drink alcohol. Audiences above 50 might like this advert but it may also be inappropriate as some older audiences may think that this promotes young alcoholism.

I chose this particular advert because it is very formal in the way that it is trying to motivate men to drink a new refreshment made by Budweiser. The voiceover artist seems very serious in the way he talks quite low, but it is persuading audiences to relax and to enjoy this drink which is another reason why I chose it.

I feel that this advert is successful in the way that it catches the audience's attention with the catchy motivation music and humorous voice in the background. I think this radio advert definitely raises brand awareness as this advert promotes a brand-new beer from Budweiser which has the catchphrase of 'One Cold Can Of 'You Bet I Earned It'' which illustrates that this product appeals more to people working very hard at work or anywhere else.

Persuasive Techniques
The character who is speaking about the advert motivates the audience to buy the drink, even though the voice you would normally hear is a motivation to do well at a certain sport, a.k.a Managers or Coaches.
They also use a positive military background music like the one you would see in many war films when they have been triumphant against the enemy.
The advert uses motivation and humour as a persuasive technique that many male audiences would be influenced by this advert and would go and buy the drink.
The advert's message illustrates that this is a beer for 'hard-working men of the world'.

Factual Information
This particular advert on Youtube came out in 2007 and lasts for 30 seconds, which shows that they wanted to deliver their message at quite a fast pace. This particular drink only came out in the UK as they wanted to raise brand awareness there because sales weren't as good as there was in the United States.

This particular advert highlights the key issue of Alcohol on radio adverts created by ASA (Advertising Standards Agency). The issue states that radio adverts should be able to protect under 18s from issues with alcohol. This advert does not highlight the issue of Alcohol as adverts revolving around alcohol would normally say 'Drink responsibly', but this advert does not say it and therefore would say that anyone could drink this drink, even with audiences aged under 18. Therefore, the company could have included information about underage drinking near to the end of their advert so that young adults learn that this drink is only suitable for adults.

Use of Music Bed and Voice Over
Throughout the entire advert, the advert uses a sound bed very similar to what you would normally hear after a war or even a memorial for those who had died in a war. This advert really catches my and the audience's attention because there is no sound effects that you would normally hear, for example 'a racing car zooming off' or even 'cars honking in traffic', none of that, but a theme song that is familiar to what some people would play in the army.

From 0:01 to the end of the advert, when the music is playing, the voice over artist is heard, talking about the new Bud Silver that is available to buy  for UK audiences. This voice over artist really catches my attention because he reminds me of a captain or a general talking to his men, but in this case he is talking to us, promoting the new Bud Silver, which he does with real passion in his voice.

Message : basic content of advertisement
Style :  see notes
Purpose of advert :  see notes : e.g selling a product or service directly raising brand awareness, informational, promoting sales and special offers, increasing market share, links to any other products or programmes, raising income for radio station, seasonal  awareness raising  
Voiceover : conversational or formal tone , single/multi voice dialogue, accent,
                         tag line ( slogan)
Use of music bed : background sound bed including  sound effect, music, sting
   ( short piece of music that is associated with the product) 
Persuasive techniques : e.g Unique selling point , use of celebrity endorsement, repeated use of product name, price  benefits for customer, any other benefits for consumer  

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