Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Spirit Surge TV Advert Evaluation

Fitness of purpose....does your advertisement clearly communicate a message about a specific product ?

Was the main idea for the advertisement  creative and original ?

Is the advertisement appropriate for and relevant to its target audience ?

Did the final advertisement match your original intentions and planning ? If not, what changed ?

Were the technical and creative  conventions you used ( use of camera, editing,lighting, sound, music etc.) effective and successful ?

Were your persuasive techniques  (USP, lifestyle appeal, emotional responses of audience,hidden messages etc.) and use of product's characteristics ( benefits of product, advantages over other products etc. ) effective and successful ?

My product is called Spirit Surge which is an energy drink for all genders aged 12+. My advert idea was of a man (aged between 18-25) is jogging and is suddenly out of breath. Then a hand pops to the side with an energy drink called Spirit Surge. The man takes it, drinks it, and then suddenly has a burst for energy and then runs off, faster than before. I think, in some ways, my product communicates a message about my product because of the way the hand says 'just drink this', meaning that this advert is promoting a drink. I, however, have not shown a design of my product, instead, I have left my audience with a sense of mystery at the end when I say that my product is 'COMING SOON' and 'Only available at McColls', which means that my product is not available just yet in stores.

I think the main idea for my TV advert is indeed creative and original because it is an idea that I have created on my own from no other evidence from any other advert. It is a realist advert which means that it is set in modern day life, following one man jogging in Old Coulsdon. I also wanted my advert to have a lifestyle appeal because it motivates my audience to drink this drink and make them want to exercise more

I do believe that my advert is relevant for my audience, aged 12+, because it is supposed to have almost a dramatic feel to it, but I also wanted the actor to relate to our audience, so he used a more comedic voice and actions to his acting that would associate with the audience well.

I don't think my final advertisement matched my original intentions and planning. For my original planning, I wanted the actor to drink a drink that would give him a boost and then he ran off. Instead I wanted the audience to be left in suspense over this new drink that will be available. So at the end of my advert, I used the words 'COMING SOON' to leave the audience with questions and give the whole advert a sense of mystery to it. 

My technical and creative conventions, I think, were very successful. Firstly, I like to think that my use of camera shots were very effective, I used a PoV shot from the actor's point of view as you see his struggle to try and finish off his jog. With the music, you also get to hear his heavy breathing as well as another reason to hear his struggle. I also used a lot of full body shots and feet shots to show what the actor looks like and what he was wearing at the time. I used a lot of head shots to show the struggle on his face as well. The music I used for my background is the '300 Violin Orchestra - John Quintero (High Quality. I used this particular music as it reminded me more of a motivational music that you would expect from videos aimed at motivating a person in a specific thing they are doing. I also wanted the music to stick with the audience's minds as well. As you listen to this music, you hear clapping in the background, which suits what I wanted which was to motivate the actor to keep on pushing by drinking the drink. Finally, the lighting I used, I think, was also very effective and successful. For the first 40 seconds of my advert, I used a black and white video setting to present to the audience that the main character is jogging and is then suddenly out of breath. My advert then converted from black and white to normal to present a light change and a bright setting to present maybe a symbol of hope.

I think my persuasive techniques and use of product characteristics could have been more effective than I could have expected. For my advert, I wanted my product to have a lifestyle appeal so that more people aged between 12-16 would get up and exercise more rather than being inside and on their phones all the time. I wanted to convey this message, although I should have conveyed it more by maybe the actor being on his phone all the time. I think the emotional response's to this advert will be quite comical as this advert was meant to make the audience laugh. I think I conveyed that particular message. I think my use of product's characteristics were a bit successful but lacked something. The benefits of my product were when you drunk the energy drink, you felt a big burst of energy inside to make you work more and I think I conveyed that message effectively and successfully.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Director's Cut Questionnaire

Director’s Cut Questionnaire

1) When you think of the name, Director’s Cut, what genre do you think of immediately?

2) What do you think of our logo? If you think it needs to be improved, please write it down below.

3) What different types of magazines are you most interested in, for example gossip, sport, film magazines?

4) How often do you buy magazines?

             Weekly      Month    Quarterly    Once in 6 months

5) What things are you most interested in when you read a magazine, for example pictures, bold titles, use of text?

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Abomination Union Production Proposal

Task 1

My poster for my movie, Abomination Union, targets my audience of 15+ because there is movie stars that I have used that can stick into the audience's minds. I have used the actors Christian Bale and Keira Knightly, because they are top actors and would motivate the audience to go and see it. As this movie is a zombie genre, I had to create a poster that would suit this genre, so to make this happen, I included very vivid images of zombies that are going to attack the three main characters near the centre of the poster. I use dark lighting on the floor to show devastation that occurred when a nuclear bomb exploded that caused devastation throughout London and caused devastation in the UK. I wanted to use a tagline that would stick into the minds of the audience that sees this poster, I looked at my synopsis and came up with a tagline saying: 'She looked for help...HELP wants her dead!!!'. I did not use a date because I wanted to keep the audience in suspense and make sure the audience would get excited over the movie. I used two reviews from one magazine that is focused on movies and that's why I chose Entertainment Weekly, and I also chose one of England's top newspaper read by millions in the UK, which was Daily Mail. If I had other ways to promote my film to target my audience, I would put my poster on billboards and post them all around the UK and post these on buildings so that people of the UK can see this and motivate them to watch it. I could also create a trailer that would broadcast before movies that are 15+ rated, that when audiences see it, they might also want to see it as well because watching the trailer with these stars in it might motivate them even more.

Task 2

For my production company, I would pick Working Title films, which is a British film production company owned by Universal Studios, because this was the production company that funded Shaun Of The Dead which inspired me to create Abomination Union. The company came into existence in 1983 and their work include Les Miserables (2012), Johnny English Reborn (2011), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) and Bean (1997). Recent films include The Theory Of Everything (2014) and About Time (2013). These particular films did not include much funding as their movies don't need technological devices in the films such as great CGI and just focuses on the actors themselves and that is what I wanted. For my distributors, I would pick United International Pictures UK (UIP). This company focused on distributing this movie to the UK alone and that is what I hope to happen with my movie. Their successful work includes Charlottes Web (2006), Mission: Impossible III (2006), King Kong (2005) and Nanny McPhee (2005). Their most recent work include Pitch Perfect 2 (2015), Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (2015) and Fast and Furious 7 (2015). Their companies, as well as in the UK, are in Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Malaysia, Norway, Panama, Peru, the Philippines (through Sony Pictures International since June 2014), Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey.

Task 3

I think my producer's should decide to fund my idea for my film, Abomination Union. First of all, my genres for this film are zombie horror and action and adventure, which at the moment, is trendy in the film industry at the moment, with films coming out like Insidious: Chapter 3, Terminator: Genisys and The Last Witch Hunter, which focuses on other things killing main characters in films. I have used two UK actors that are very popular around the world, Christian Bale and Keira Knightly, because these two names would stick to the audience's minds. This would help sell my film to a producer even more because of the use of stars I have used. In my particular film, I use social concerns that could be controversial in my film. I have created a gang called 'The German Mafia', who planted the nuclear bomb inside Big Ben, as an act of terrorism that caused devastation across the UK and turned everyone in London into flesh-eating zombies. Using Germany as a country to provoke terrorism can be a bad idea because of the two world wars that occurred between 1914-1918 and 1939-1945. There is no legal or ethical concerns except maybe the use of violence between humans and zombies but not cause any legal or any ethical concerns.